We are trying to gauge the interest in a possible contest we would like to hold. If you are an artist or are into digital art and design please let us know if you would be interested in this idea.
We are running low on our current promotional AutoCityImports t-shirts and wanted to step up our game and print a brand new design. Our current shirts are nice but fairly basic.

So here is our thought… let our customers make digital t-shirt designs and submit them to us. From there we will post them up on our site and let our customers vote on the favorite design. After a winner is chosen the artist would win a cash prize of $400 and the shirt would go to print. Of course we would also send the winner a good handful of the final printed shirts.

We have not decided on if we are going to do this contest yet because we would hate to start it only to get 3 people that are interested. So please, this is just a feeler and if you are interested in submitting a design please email [email protected] with your full name and contact telephone number. Also if you aren’t into design and art but know someone that is then tell them because this could get a few hundred dollars in their pocket.

***** We will only leave this open for about a week, so please contact us quickly if you are interested.

This has been a long time coming but I am happy to be writing in our brand new AutoCity Imports Blog and on our brand new website. Since the launch of our online store in May of 2004 we have had small updates to the site here and there but this is the first major overhaul since the beginning so it’s very exciting for us. We still have a lot of cleaning up to do on the site but we have every intention of taking it day by day to create a great user experience. We will be keeping everyone updated with our progress with new additions to the site in the “AutoCity Updates” section of out new blog. We will also be keeping everyone up to speed on industry news, product updates, events, and more.

So welcome to our new redesigned website and stay tuned for a lot more to come!

Screen Shot of New Site (May 11th 2010):

Screen Shot of Old Site: